Media and Mentions
Dr. Siegel was interviewed by Good Morning New Orleans on WGNO news! Watch her segment inside Langenstein's in New Orleans, where she attended Tulane University.
Listen to Dr. Siegel on the Peeling the Onion podcast: Supporting the Pillars of Your Health with Dr. Erika Siegel.
Dr. Siegel joined Julie Reisler on the Youest You podcast to discuss health, living well, and the book set. You can find the episode here:
In December 2023, Dr. Siegel spoke with Poppy Tooker on Louisiana Eats, her acclaimed NPR-affiliated radio show. Listen to the podcast for plenty of good health morsels!​
Click the image or listen here!
Dr. Siegel was recently featured on the WTH?!? The Doctor's Chat podcast, in an episode called "Supercharging Brain Health."
Click the image or follow these links to listen!